Connecting gardens, groups and growers to create a more resilient food future in Darebin

The Darebin ‘Fruit Squad’ is coming!

A new initiative is being launched in Darebin to prevent waste and make fresh food more accessible to the needy.  Darebin Council and Jika Jika Community Centre have partnered with Transition Darebin to launch the ‘Fruit Squad’ project.

A group of 22 volunteers are completing a training course in fruit tree maintenance and volunteering skills. They will harvest/collect excess fruit from private and public fruit trees in Darebin, and redistribute it through the food security network. A pilot ‘spot harvest’ is planned for the last week in November to prepare the group for their first major harvest in the New Year.

If you live in the area bounded by Separation, High, Station Streets and Heidelberg Road, Northcote and would like to register your trees/fruit for the pilot exercise, or for more information, please call Martin O’Callaghan on 9480 8200 or email

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