Darebin Fruit Squad collect and harvest fruit from the Darebin municipality. Please fill out this form if you have fruit to donate.
Fruit Squad can harvest your fruit or pick up the fruit you have already picked.
Darebin Fruit Squad collect and harvest fruit from the Darebin municipality. Please fill out this form if you have fruit to donate.
Fruit Squad can harvest your fruit or pick up the fruit you have already picked.
Hello, I’ve just had my Eureka lemon tree pruned (by my garden guy who is an arborist so hopefully it has been pruned well!!) and we’ve harvested a lot of lemons that are available (three largish boxes). I don’t spray the tree at all with any pesticides and all I do is regularly fertilise with citrus food. I do have some citrus gall wasp in the tree that I try to keep under control as much as possible. It would be great if the Fruit Squad could make use of the lemons.
Hi, I have a box of preserving jars I would like to donate after seeing your story on ‘Gardening Australia’.
Please contact me if you would like these.
I’m not sure if the olives are ripen enough but some are turning black and are a bit shrivelled. I am not in the position to process the olives (or pick them) but I would love someone else to have them.