At the top left hand corner of the map there is a button that looks like this. When you click it, it will expand to show a list of the types of sites and their marker type on the map.
There are existing sites and potential sites. If you uncheck a type they will disappear from the map. Conversely, checking the boxes will make that type reappear.
To zoom in and out use these buttons which are found on the bottom right of the map.
Community gardens and farms
All Nations Kitchen Garden
Where: All Nations Park, Separation Street, Northcote (behind Northcote Plaza and opposite Santa Maria College)
When: Community Gardening Days are held on the first Saturday of the month from 10am
What: Darebin Council collaborated with members of the Northcote Library Food Garden and the local community to develop a highly visible and accessible urban food demonstration site. Located in All Nations Park, the All Nation Kitchen Garden design incorporates permaculture principles and is based on a multilayered garden of fruit trees, edible understory and ground cover.
Who: A passionate group of local residents care for and manage the site in partnership with Council. The goal is to sustainably produce local food and to provide opportunities for education and community building.
Contact: drop by the site during a Sunday working bee or email
Apple Tree Garden Northcote
Where: Corner of Beavers Road and Herbert Street, Northcote.
What: The apple tree garden is an ornamental garden around a significant shade tree on the rail reserve between Northcote and Croxton Railway Stations. The garden aims to create a diverse planting of flowering plants and shrubs around the tree, contributing to biodiversity with extended flowering periods to encourage bees and other pollinators. There is no access to water, so plants are chosen for their drought hardy properties, ability to suit the conditions, and flowering potential. The apple tree has been on the site since a crossing guard hut stood by the track, when the railway gates were operated manually. Work on the site started in 2010 and the efforts are documented by Cat Wilson at
Who: The volunteers who plant and maintain the garden are part of the Stationeers Program, through Keep Victoria Beautiful.
When: Regular working bees are held once a month on the second Sunday of the month from 10 to 12, and as needed. Please check the Facebook page for updates.
Facebook: / Instagram: @appletreegarden_stationeers / Email:
Bundoora Park Community Garden
Where: Bundoora Park, 1069 Plenty Road, Bundoora
What: The Bundoora Park Community Garden is located within the Bundoora Park farm. Within the farm, there is a fruit orchard including an urban farm with chooks and bees. The farm also supplies tools, water and manure. There are garden plots available for rent to the general public. Annual fees are $79 for a raised plot and $105 for a standard plot. NOTE There is currently a waiting list for plots.
Contact: Bundoora Park Reception Ph: (03) 8470 8170
East Reservoir Community Garden
Where: Next to the East Reservoir Senior Citizens Centre / TW Andrews Reserve, 7A Strathmerton St, East Reservoir
What: This garden is made up of 30 individual plots of varying sizes available to rent for an annual fee. The garden is conveniently located near the East Reservoir Senior Citizens Centre as well as the Reservoir Neighbourhood House with facilities to hold cooking demonstrations and workshops. Market days, food swaps, festivals and other celebrations are also regularly held at the garden.
Who: This is an access friendly and culturally diverse community garden. Everyone is welcome to become a member of the garden in some way. You can rent a plot to plant and grow your own food. Become a member of the garden committee to contribute to the running of the community garden. Or you can become a friend of the garden and meet with other gardeners and members to learn about gardening, swap tips and stories and help others learn.
Contact: Jess on 0423 088 722 (Monday’s only) /
Fairfield Community Garden
Where: 1 Hamilton Street Fairfield
What: The Fairfield Community Garden is located at the end of Hamilton Street Fairfield in between the train line and walkway to Station Street. The community garden was established approximately 12 years ago and is an initiative of Interact Fairfield Disability Services. It is a dynamic work space, all the time developing according to the energies and interests of participants. It has recently begun a new phase of consolidation and development.
Who: The community garden is comprised of approximately 20 plots that are rented out annually by individuals or families who reside in the local area, or by community groups engaged in sustainable activities and which are able to contribute consistently to the garden culture.
Contact: Ngaire Bates or Kay Hackworth or visit our website
Friends of Regent Community Garden (NEW)
Where: The Regent Centre, 4 Robinson Road, Reservoir
What: We are excited to announce that a new community garden is currently being developed in the rear courtyard of the Regent Centre Senior Citizens Centre. The garden will made up of several communal food growing beds with facilities to hold cooking demonstrations and workshops. To get involved in its establishment please get in contact.
Who: The garden will be managed by a small group of dedicated residents.
Contact: Sylvia Bianco
Marra Guwiyap Garden (NEW)
Where: the old tennis courts near Croxton Railway Station, Thornbury
What: A new community garden has been approved on a block of land close to Croxton Railway Station in Thornbury. The vision is for a shared, accessible space, creating a safer, healthier and more resilient environment and providing an amenity where the broader neighbourhood can come together in shared social and educational events. The garden space will include: dedicated garden space for children to explore and learn about the natural world; wheelchair accessible gardening plots and sensory garden plots to enhance mental health through special plantings; a compost hub.
Who: The Community Garden Committee is a volunteer based group consisting of over 50 members. The group arose from a perceived need and deep desire for a community garden in our local area, which would enable the community to grow and have access to fresh and local organic fruit, vegetables and herbs. It will bring us together as a community and help us grow toward living sustainably together.
Contact: See our Facebook page for updates and lots of pics! To get involved please email
Newton Street Community Garden
Where: 9 Newton Street, Reservoir
What: The Newton Street Community garden extends across 7 and 9 Newton Street, Reservoir. It was established in late 2018 and is now a program of the East Preston Community Centre. Once fully developed, the garden will include shared vegetable growing areas, fruit trees, berries, food forest gardens and composting/worm farming facilities. There is a new seed library on site which is accessible to the community.
Who: This is a space where local residents can connect, share, learn and grow food locally. From planting, weeding and harvesting crops to choosing what will be planted in the vacant beds – there’s plenty to do. To get involved, contact the East Preston Community Centre.
Contact: East Preston Community Centre on 8470 8107 or at
Northcote Library Food Garden
Where: Northcote Library, 32-38 Separaton Street, Northcote
What: The garden is a communal growing space open to all community members, with communal garden beds and a food forest. Although there are no individual plots, there are areas of the garden set aside for growing plants of particular interest or liking. The garden is maintained during regular communal planting, harvesting and working bee days, and gardeners are also encouraged to donate some extra time individually when they can.
Who: The garden is managed by a small group of dedicated residents. Community members can become involved as a friend of the garden (lending support and advice) or as a gardener.
When: Community Gardening Days are held on the second Sunday of the month from 10am
Contact: Ivor Otley 0407 680 822 /
Northcote Community Gardens
Where: Hartington Street, Northcote (next to the Northcote train station)
What: We are a small organic community garden with 25 individual plots, some communal areas, a pond, an orchard in the making and a small recreational park with a basketball hoop. The park has been planted out by the community garden members with indigenous local plants. We provide space to grow vegetables, herbs, fruits and we share information on all aspects of organic gardening as well as some permaculture principles. We all have different levels of gardening experience and beginners are welcome!
Who: Currently there are around 28 members who manage the garden. At present, all plots are allocated, but you can email us to be added to the waiting list. Interested members of the public are encouraged to attend the monthly working bees (see times below). Plots are rented out yearly and first preference is given to Northcote residents. We are all volunteers and the garden is managed through informal consensus with some primary office bearing roles being elected each year.
When: Working bees are usually held on the first Sunday of the month from 1:00 pm (please bring a plate of food to share for afternoon tea if you are able to).
Contact: For more information and to see what we’ve been up to lately check our blog!
Oakhill Food Justice Farm
Where: Corner of Plenty Road and Tyler Street, Preston
What: Through a collaborative design process with local community, Oakhill Food Justice Farm is an emerging space of nutritious food production, education, community social space and source of food security. See the Sustain website for more information about the project. Volunteers are needed to help establish this exciting new farm!
Who: The Farm is a project of Sustain: The Australian Food Network. Check the Sustain News section of this website for updates
Contact: Email Sustain to volunteer!
Sylvester Hive Community Garden
Where: On the grounds of the Pavilion School, corner of Dean and Gray Streets, Preston
When: The garden committee meet regularly Thursdays at 7pm and Saturdays at 9am in the garden
What: Sylvester Hive community garden was built in partnership between Darebin Council, The Pavilion School and local residents on land generously provided by the school. The garden was launched in November 2016. With a border of fruit trees, 14 raised wicking beds for vegetables and herbs, storage container and shelter, seating, composting bays and a children’s sand pit, the garden has been designed as a welcoming space to meet with friends and neighbours.
Who: A committed group of local residents have formed to take care of the garden which they have named ‘Sylvester Hive’ (‘Sylvester’ is derived from the Latin for ‘woodland’ and ‘Hive’ denotes a place where people meet and connect). The group meet regularly to discuss and agree on how the garden is to be managed, used, planted and harvested, and are making the most of this fantastic community asset. The raised wicking beds are all cultivated communally and the harvest is shared at regular communal meals and celebrations.
Contact: Michelle Gazzola or Hendrik Falk 0420 353 572. For more information see
Uniting Church Herb Garden and Orchard
Where: 251 High Street, Northcote
What: The Uniting Church has established a small orchard in the courtyard and a herb garden out the front facing High Street in Northcote. It is designed to be a place where people can take time out and relax. The herbs are used in Yuni’s Kitchen located at the back of the church courtyard. The church also hosts a regular food swap on the second Saturday of the month, organised by the Darebin Urban Harvesters – check out their Facebook page here
Who: All are welcome to enjoy the church spaces and participate in the many programs on offer
Contact: If you are interested in being involved with the Volunteer Gardening Group, please contact or 9482 2884
Your Community Health Garden
Where: At the rear of YCH ,125 Blake Street (on the Corner of Crevelli street) East Preston
What: At Your Community Health (YCH) we have a communal garden area with vegetables, 29 fruit trees, and some lawn. As well as planting and garden maintenance, we also use the space as a venue for activities and events. Our Men’s Shed is located on the edge of the garden – some of the guys get involved in the garden while some play bocce on the lawn.
Who: People who visit YCH, staff, local residents and community members are all welcome to come and enjoy the garden. If you would like to be involved, there is someone in the garden on Thursday mornings between 10 and 12 or contact Annie.
Contact: Annie Grant Ph: (03) 8470 1822 or
Span Community House Community Garden
Where: 64 Clyde St, Thornbury
What: The garden is a community shared space. There are no individual plots but produce is shared amongst those that attend, as well as used in the community lunch and cooking classes at Span. The garden is maintained with a watering system and by regular planting and harvesting. All produce is organic. The garden is a large space with a number of garden beds and areas producing vegetables, fruit and herbs. There is a shelter built with natural building techniques and materials that can be used for meetings or other activities, a propagation area, a seed and cuttings swap program as well as a community mural. There are regular sustainability programs, classes and activities run throughout the year. The garden is access friendly for all.
Who: The garden is shared and maintained by a dedicated group of volunteers and community members, with the assistance and support of Span Community House, and regular working bees. All those participating have differing levels of skills, experience and physical abilities. New community members and gardening beginners are invited and encouraged to join the garden group and participate in Span’s activities, whilst learning and enjoying the company and support of other community members.
Contact: Span Community House Ph: (03) 9480 1364 E-mail:
Seed Libraries
Open Now:
- Sylvester Hive Community Garden, corner of Dean and Gray Streets, Preston
- Alphington Community Centre, 2 Kelvin Grove, Alphington
- Newton Street Community Garden, 9 Newton Street Reservoir
- Jika Jika Community Centre, 1B Plant Street Northcote (corner Plant and Union Street)
- Northcote Library Food Garden, Separation Street Northcote
If you have a seed library at your community garden, school or food swap and would like it to be added to the list, please contact
Community Compost Hubs
Span Community House
Address: 64 Clyde Street, Thornbury
Instructions: 24/7 access, drop off in front-of-house crate, record amount dropped online or manually, info on accepted materials and program FAQs available online
Sylvester Hive Community Garden
Address: Corner of Dean and Gray Streets, Preston
Instructions: Anyone can drop of food waste into the compost bays in the corner of the garden. The gates are unlocked.
If your community garden accepts food scraps from the community and you would like to be added to the list, please contact
We have a small community garden for residents at 7 Simpson Street.