CitrusWatch is a collaborative, national program aimed at protecting Australian citrus by improving industry preparedness for key exotic pest threats.
Each year distributes hundreds of Asiatic citrus psyllid sticky trapping kits to volunteer trappers throughout Australia. These sticky traps are helping the citrus industry to detect exotic pests, such as the Asiatic citrus psyllid, as early as possible. Early detection increases the chance of eradication. Anybody can opt-in to the Early Detector Network and receive a trapping kit.
If you opt-in to the program as a volunteer Early Detector, a CitrusWatch Coordinator will be in touch to confirm when you will receive a trapping kit and to answer any questions you may have. This network would not be possible without its volunteers.
Want to opt-in to the Early Detector Network? Complete their online form.
Watch CitrusWatch’s Youtube video. Dr Darryl Hardie will be discussing managing Citrus Gall Wasp in the home garden.